I'm Robin Lane, and I'm a survivor of violence in my childhood and as an adult. I suppressed those memories for years and started a band - Robin Lane and the Chartbusters. We recorded for Warner Brothers and had the 11th video on MTV with our song "When Things Go Wrong," but I continued to be haunted by my past.
Needing to come to a deeper understanding of what had happened to me, I began to work with women who had survived sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and trafficking, helping them put their stories into song. I experienced first hand the profound healing transformation brought about through the process, and after many successful workshops and over 200 songs, I founded Songbird Sings.
Songwriting is a key to joy and healing. Childhood abuse, domestic violence, wartime horrors and other traumas often serve to shut people down, isolate them, keep them silent for fear no one will believe them or they will become estranged from their families or ridiculed and punished for speaking their truth. Victims live in pain and fear, without the means of soothing their wounds. We must help end this suffering. The songs written in our programs help survivors find their voices, bringing their stories to light so that healing can occur. This opportunity to tell their stories to witnesses with similar experiences becomes a cathartic jumping-off point; a validating first step in the transformation of many lives. Songbird Sings exists to help break the silence so that one day we can live in a world free of violence.
No one ever has to pay for the workshops, which is why we need your help. Please explore the materials on our website. Read the program descriptions. Listen to the songs. Watch the videos. Dig deep in your heart and see if you can help us with a donation or by hosting a house concert, or simply by spreading the word. Music saved me a long time ago and I believe it can save others as well. Let’s heal the world from trauma, one song at a time.