Launching Our New Website

Here we are, launching this website out into the world so that all of you good people will learn about these amazing songwriting healing programs that are helping so many trauma survivors put into song what quite often they can't even talk about. The process of songwriting helps survivors sing their story to the world; they can look at it from a safe distance within the song and be validated for doing it, especially in the group experience.

“Owning one’s voice is owning one’s authority and ends a cycle of victimization. Much of this comes from within the group. The group is more powerful than individual, because you’ve got a shared experienced you’re not being silenced, you're being believed.  Everyone in the group is bearing witness to your story.  It’s huge."  Dr. Diane Austin: Music and Healing.

"Creating songs, music etc. offers a wide range of socially acceptable ways of expressing negative feelings, or closeness, any of which can reduce the need for expression in more overt, unacceptable forms. The movement from random expression to organized, meaningful expression is the goal.  Music and in particular songwriting provides a range of emotional expressions, expressions not otherwise permitted are acceptable in music and song."  Jaap Orth.

“This residue of unresolved, undischarged energy gets trapped in the nervous system and creates the debilitating symptoms associated with trauma. Songwriting and singing yout own songs, can enable the traumatized client to reconnect with his or her essential nature by providing access to, and an outlet for, intense feelings" Dr. Diane Austin: Music and Healing.

In Songbird Sings songwriting workshops, trauma survivors have a safe place to express their feelings.  We let them know that some of what happens in the workshops may be difficult; that music, writing and singing, helps us access what we may be keeping buried in silence.  They can choose if they want to participate.  Mainly I give support without judgment as they find solace in the songs that are written and support from the group.